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Claudia Donzelli graduated in Foreign Languages and Literatures from the State University in Milan (Università degli Studi) in 2002, with a thesis in History of the English Theatre on director Katie Mitchell.
She studied acting with Tatiana Olear from St. Petersburg’s Maly Drama Theatre, and in workshops by open competition of the Venice Biennale with Thomas Ostermeier and with Simon Stephens, of the Silvio d’Amico National Academy of Dramatic Art, of the Piccolo Teatro di Milano, and of Mario Martone with whom she worked among others.
She published specialist articles on theatre and performance, such as:
National Theatre – “Il Gabbiano” di Katie Mitchell e Martin Crimp (N.T.-“The Seagull” by K.M. and M.C.), in “Ariel”, 2, Bulzoni ed., 2008, pp. 39-58, winner of the Prize for Poetry and Literature “Nuove Lettere” of the Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Naples;
Katie Mitchell: un Teatro con delle Responsabilità (K.M.: a Theatre with Responsibilities), in “Tess”, 4, CUEM bookshops, Università degli Studi, Milan, 2004, pp. 141-170.
She presented projects in the form of studies at: IX European Independent Film Festival (Paris, 2014), Festival Inventaria (Rome, 2014), IT Festival and Open IT residency programme (Expo in Città, Milan, 2015), Arts’R’Public (Arts in Public Spaces – Creative Europe Programme, Marseilles, Genoa, 2016), HORS Festival (MTM Teatro Litta, Milan, 2017), Festival InDivenire (Rome, 2017), Triennial Plan for the Arts – MIUR (Teatro Manzoni, Monza, 2019), Milano Photofestival (Università degli Studi, Milan, 2022), IULM University (Milan, 2023).

Further information can be found in the “projects” and “performing” pages.


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Claudia Donzelli

News: June 2024 – in Favole dal futuro/ Speculative Fabulations
           playwriting workshop by Magdalena Barile and Nathalie
           Fillion – org. by PAV – Fabulamundi New Voices and
           Paolo Grassi theatre school, Milan

           Feb.-May 2024 – English conversation creative projects
           as External expert, for State secondary, middle, and
           primary schools – Milan area – org. by D’Accordo snc

           Oct. 2023 – presenting my project “Une descente dans
           l’abîme – étude sur Marguerite Yourcenar” at the
           Colloque Yourcenar 2023 – IULM University, Milan