EVERY-BODY – Una domanda d’amore
by Antonio Tagliarini and Jaime Conde Salazar
Short Theatre 9 festival – Macro Testaccio, Rome
workshop: Teatro Argentina (Teatro di Roma, state theatre) – 3-12 Sept. 2014
double performance: Macro (Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome) – Theatre 1 – 13th of Sept. 2014
“EVERY-BODY is a project in mutation (…) “A question of love” focuses on some of the questions that Peggy Phelan has defined as the base of theatre and performing arts: Do you love me? Do you see me? Do you hear me? Would you die for me? Unsolved questions that regard every type or relations: me and the other.
I watch 2 bodies dancing: getting closer, brushing against and leaving each other and this questions reappear in my mind. Listening to so many songs, the lyrics repeat to the infinity these questions. They are unsolvable.” Antonio Tagliarini
cast: around 40 people
organization and communication: Filipe Viegas
co-production: Planet 3, Culturgest (Lisbon), Short Theatre (Rome)
photos by the Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Cine-Tv Roberto Rossellini © Giorgio Termini and Short Theatre
Italian review: “Antonio Tagliarini con il suo Every-body, una domanda d’amore, ha creato una cornice in cui i corpi si sfiorano, si avvicinano, si mostrano, si abbracciano. Un amore che nasce e muore nel turbinio del movimento concentrico del mondo. E non a caso gli spettatori oltre a essere abbracciati, sono stati sollecitati dai corpi performanti a ballare, a esistere, anche loro in una realtà che ha reso finalmente possibile l’incontro.” Igiaba Scego, 18.9.2014, in Internazionale